
Get heart smart and earn rewards

Take part in Regence Empower’s interactive program and earn contributions to your HealthEquity account. Start with your heart.

February is American Heart Month, so be sure to take some time to focus on yourself and learn how to lessen your risk of heart disease — the No. 1 killer of Americans.

One way to make inroads is to check out the interactive programs on Regence Empower, a benefit for employees enrolled in the Asante Health Plan. The site offers 11 interactive programs to choose from, each running for six weeks. Of these programs, almost all of them touch on heart healthy topics. Topics include improving blood pressure, managing stress, exercise, nutrition, quitting tobacco and more.

New in 2021, you can earn a one-time $50 or $150 contribution to your HealthEquity account for completing an interactive program on Regence Empower. Members on the Asante PPO Health Plan will earn $50; those on the Asante Savings Health Plan or the Asante Reimbursement Health Plan can earn $150.

When you engage with one of these programs, you will be prompted to set a goal and create a “healthy habit” that will help you establish behaviors to achieve your goal. The program measures your progress by tracking how you engage with resources such as articles and videos, your progress on your healthy habit and other program metrics. You will need to complete the final assessment within the program for credit.

  • Log into Regence.com.
  • Click on the Regence Empower heart compass icon.
  • In the blue My Journey section, click on Interactive Programs (or use the left-hand navigation to Self-Guided programs).
  • Select one of the 11 programs highlighted under interactive programs.
Tags: Asante Health Plan, contributions, heart, interactive program, Regence
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