
AACH presents its first DAISY Award

The nursing honor went to Nancy Nowlin for her skilled and compassionate care.

Nancy NowlinNancy Nowlin, one of nursing’s finest, was honored this week by AACH nursing leaders and colleagues. As Ashland prepared to present its first DAISY Award in July 2021, Nowlin decided it was time to retire and scooted out the door before she could be honored by her peers. With visitor restrictions in place and the subsequent COVID surges, the award presentation was put on hold until this month.

Fully immersed in retirement, Nowlin was presented with the first DAISY award in a virtual ceremony attended by her former peers and nursing leaders. They lauded Nowlin for her compassion, communication skills and professionalism,

“No one is better than Nancy at making sure her patients are ambulated and linens changed,” said nurse Zoe Abel. “No matter how busy the day is she makes sure her IV pumps are cleared and patients have been medicated for pain prior to change of shift.”

Her colleagues said Nowlin was an invaluable preceptor who made a meaningful impact on the nursing careers of many AACH nurses.

“Nancy has worked at AACH for over 30 years,” said Brenda Schweitzer. “[She] has precepted most nurses who were hired onto Med Surg, including myself. She is an incredible teacher. Any patient was lucky enough to have Nancy as a caregiver knows that they are healthier because of it.”

Chief Nursing Officer Amanda Kotler recognized Nowlin as an AACH legend and highlighted how much she is valued by the team. Amalia Kieley, AACH director of Nursing, praised the Nowlin’s legacy, which continues to impact patients today.

“Although you are retired, your knowledge and spirit still touch patients,” Kieley said. “They continue to receive exceptional care because of the training and influence you passed on to our nursing team.”

The Daisy Foundation was established in 1999 by the family of Patrick Barnes, who died from complications of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura at the age of 33. Patrick’s family wanted to turn their grief into something positive to honor him, so the Barnes family came up with DAISY — an acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune System. The Barnes family and Asante believe that nurses are the unsung heroes of our society who deserve far more recognition and honor than they receive, so the DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses was created.

A nurse can be recognized for any gesture of compassionate care, whether it is exceeding a patient’s expectations, easing their fears, anticipating their needs or whose care made a lasting impression. Any nurse can be nominated by a patient, family member, co-worker or provider.

Nominees are all honored, and one nominee is recognized each quarter with a special celebration, certificate and other goodies.

Tags: AACH, award, DAISY Award, Nancy Nowlin
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1 Comment. Leave new

  • Christopher Modrich
    May 31, 2022 11:48 pm

    Nancy was my preceptor over at AACH and she was brilliant! Thanks so much Nancy! Enjoy your retirement, you’ve so earned it!


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