
Why we must resist compassion fatigue

We treat many patients for conditions caused by their choices; all deserve judgment-free care.


During these trying times, we are all at risk of compassion fatigue. It has not been easy to care for our many patients during this COVID-19 surge. The risk of compassion fatigue gets even higher as we care for those patients who made a choice not to get the vaccine and now have COVID.

You may find yourself getting upset. When we do this, we are making a judgment about these patients and their decision. It helps to remember that we treat many other conditions caused by patients’ choices, including those caused by smoking.

We have all been told not to judge people; yet we have survived as a species for thousands of years by doing just that — judging people to see if they are friend or foe; to determine if they are a risk to us. What we have learned is that we must change the way we judge. If we can come from a place of compassion or curiosity, our judgment will have a different outcome. Our care will be delivered with a little more compassion and understanding. We still may not agree with a patient’s decision, but we may view them more kindly.

So I ask, as you treat our patients, to take a look at how you are coming about your judgment and do so with curiosity and compassion. You may find it gives you more peace and provides both you and the patient a better experience.

Gary McCalla, MD, medical director of Emergency Services at AACH and wellness medical director for APP, co-authored this article.

Tags: care, compassion, covid-19, fatigue, judgment
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