We have learned a lot over the course of this pandemic and efforts have been underway to incorporate these learnings and changing recommendations into our COVD-19 documentation and resources.
To that end, the COVID-19 web hub has been reorganized for easier navigation and use. We’ve consolidated and emphasized the three most common topics: quarantine, isolation and special precautions; personal protective equipment; and screening, testing and scheduling.
As part of the update, the adding or removing of special precaution orders have also been streamlined to lessen the number of clicks and steps for providers and clinicians. Epic tip sheets are available to support ordering clinicians.
The COVID-19 hub will continue to be reviewed and updated as new information and recommendations are released. We appreciate the efforts of the clinical contributors, reviewers, Epic designers and myAsanteNET administrators to make this resource possible.
If you have question or suggestions, please contact Asante Infection Prevention.
If you have a question, please contact the author or relevant department directly.