AACH sharpens focus on orthopedics
A new orthopedic excellence committee is being formed at AACH to enhance and focus on our orthopedic surgery program. Co-chaired by Dr. Jeb Reid and myself, this multidisciplinary committee will support orthopedic excellence efforts as a quality and performance improvement team.
The group will be composed of nursing leaders from Med Surg, Perioperative Services, Physical Therapy, Pharmacy, Resource Management, Quality and Accreditation, Infection Prevention and Nursing Professional Development.
The committee will first analyze baseline performance for things such as length of stay, surgical site infection rates, compliance with SSI prevention bundles, orthopedic readmissions, CAUTIs in orthopedic surgery patients and hand-hygiene compliance. Outcome and process goals will also be established to optimize and streamline our orthopedic care and the patient experience.
This committee’s work will play an integral part in supporting the hospital’s age-friendly initiative as orthopedic care is an essential service to the 65 and older population.
We are truly excited to embark on this journey to take AACH orthopedic care to the next level. Expect to learn more about our successes as this team builds on and refines our orthopedic surgery program.
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