Clinical CareCOVID-19Employees

At Asante, there’s a new way to work

Tips for staying safe in the office, clinic or hospital during a pandemic.


Return to workDid COVID-19 change the way we work or what? Never in a million years would I think that we would have screeners at the entrances to our hospitals or that I would be the interim Infection Prevention manager during a pandemic.

Here are some tips to make things easier at work:

  • When entering one of the hospitals, please complete hand hygiene and don your mask as soon as possible. Answer the symptoms questions with a smile and be candid about a recent exposure, e.g. close contact with someone with COVID-19 outside of the work setting.
  • If you work in an office or clinic environment, by entering your building you are attesting to having no symptoms or recent exposures. Make sure to use the hand sanitizer and don a mask immediately.

Embracing technology has been tough (my teenager helps me with Snapchat). WebExing is a whole different world. If you need to attend a meeting or a class:

  • Use an online platform like WebEx, you will get used to the mute button and awkward silence (Bueller, Bueller?).
  • Consider using a conference call.

Need some help figuring out technology? Check out the Work from Home User Guide available on myAsanteNET.

When you must hold an in-person meeting, make sure it’s in an open, well-ventilated space. Maintain a six-foot distance from others and wear a face covering.

Look around the space that you work. Do you have hand sanitizer close by? If not, let your leader know and they will order some. Don’t share unnecessary items. If you must share, please don gloves and wipe down with the appropriate disinfecting wipes between uses.

Visual cues always help me remember things. Does your work area have clear signage on respiratory etiquette, masking, hand hygiene and maintaining physical distancing? If not, let your leader know. Signs can be ordered directly through Asante’s printing vendor. Need some floor signs? Matt Axness in Marketing is your guy.

I really hate to communicate this, but fans on your desk are not a good idea right now. Just think of a big sneeze and how far that travels. Please place fans in a storage area or, if it’s your personal fan, take it home for now.

Clean high-touch areas after use, including:

  • Copy machines
  • Phones
  • Water cooler
  • Computers

Maintain remote working if you can. If you can’t and you have returned to work or maybe you never left, here are some tips to help you manage:

  • We can’t be on autopilot with our work routine anymore, we have a new reality.
  • Monitor your anxiety closely. If you need to talk about it, reach out to someone.
  • Stock up on patience and flexibility; protocols and policies are shifting quickly and Asante is learning and improving on the fly.
  • Manage expectations and find an honest way to advocate. Do you need help with home schooling or child care? Please let your leader know.
  • Be a source of joy, have a lighthearted chat. Every conversation doesn’t have to be about COVID.
  • Stay focused on the bigger picture. We are in transition, and work will come with bumps and possibilities.

Remember, we are living through an unprecedented moment in our history. This pandemic has changed our world in ways we’ve yet to understand. The word “together” has taken on an entirely new meaning in our lives. Hang in there. You have a huge part in making how we’ve handled this pandemic as something extraordinary.

Tags: covid-19, germs, hygiene, Melissa Bellm, nursing, precautions, return to work, safety
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If you have a question, please contact the author or relevant department directly.

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Anna Spellman
    August 25, 2020 10:07 am

    Melissa, your news letter is inspiring! Thank you for the light hearted, yet focused and supportive message. Anna


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