Asante clinic appointments during COVID-19

What if I think I may have or been exposed to COVID-19?

If you are concerned you have or are developing COVID-19 symptoms or have been recently exposed to someone with COVID-19, call our COVID-19 Hotline at (541) 789-2813.

Can I bring someone to my medical appointment?

We ask that you come alone, unless you need a caregiver with you or are seeking care for a child. If your caregiver is sick or has had a recent COVID-19 exposure, we ask that they stay home to keep everyone safe.

Do I have to wear a mask?

Everyone must wear a mask to and during their appointment. If you are unable to wear a mask, you will still receive care, but be aware you will be asked to wear a face shield.

Do I wait in my car for my appointment?

We are checking in patients from their cars to help reduce the number of people in our waiting rooms. All you have to do is call us when you arrive (please come five to 10 minutes early). You will be called back as soon as the room is ready. If you do not have a phone or are being dropped off by a caregiver or loved one, you may wait in our waiting room.

What happens when I enter the clinic?

We will ask you to put on a mask before you enter the building. Once inside, you will be asked to clean your hands and physically distance yourself from other patients (we have floor stickers and properly spaced chairs to make it easy for everyone). At some of our larger clinics, a screener will greet you, offer you a mask or remind you to don yours, and ask you to sanitize your hands.

All these measures help ensure our clinics are open, safe and here for you.

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